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News and updates from York Place Dental, Carlisle

Dental care in a lockdown: We carry on as before.

Today (Tuesday) we received a large number of phone calls in the wake of Boris' Lockdown announcement from understandably confused patients. Although I have posted about this before I think its worth repeating in case you missed it last time. 

Essentially, nothing that we do has changed since we reopened for you on 8th June. We continue to take the view that everybody we see "may" be infected with Covid19 (along with a list of other diseases that are not currently grabbing the headlines) and acting accordingly.

Is it safe or right for me to attend for a dental appointment?

  • If you are healthy, feel well and are not ill - you are allowed to, and you should, attend for your dental and medical appointments whether urgent or non urgent. 
  • If you think you may have Covid, or have been told to self isolate please follow the government guidelines here.
  • Check out our dedicated YPD Covid webpage here.
  • If you aren't sure, please email us on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we can if necessary arrange for one of our team to call you back - we understand that it's a complicated situation and would be delighted to help you.
  • If you have complex medical problems, need dental care and want advice - contact us and we will arrange a call back.

There is no such thing as a dumb question - we are here to help.

How we are helping you to stay safe

  • At YPD we have spent the last 7 months embracing social distancing and additional Infection control measures, over and above the normal and as required by our regulators. This includes new ventilation systems in all clinical areas and investing in the right PPE.
  • We are sending out updates by email to you when appropriate - we are also trying not to bombard you!
  • You can and should update your medical status vie email link prior to your appointments (this is an essential requirement and it works well).
  • You can now remotely check-in for your appointments. Simply Click on a text when you arrive at the practice and wait for a return call from us.
  • We've shot a short video that explains how the new Normal at York Place Dental Works - watch it here if you haven't already.
  • We are offering same day callbacks with the most suitable team member if you have dental problems. This helps us to deliver the right care at the right time.
  • We are offering Virtual Consultations where appropriate via Zoom here.
  • We are sharing your treatment plans where appropriate via prerecorded or live bespoke video presentations.

As the situation develops we will continue to explore ways of improving our service to you, with everybody's safety and wellbeing in mind.

We are all in this together

Keep us in the loop - we know that many of you are dealing with all sorts of problems - and we need to know if you can't make an appointment or if you are having dental problems and need our help.

We have similar issues - for instance some of our fab team have young children who would normally be at school and are like many of you currently trying to sort childcare, and C19 restrictions dictate we simply cannot see the same number of patients per hour as we used to.

The key thing is to share information, be kind and help each other out where we can.

How to contact us

The best way of contacting us is by email on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

You're always welcome to ring us on 01228 533431, but we might not be able to answer straightaway. We will always email or ring you back as quickly as we can, and we are delighted to arrange callbacks with the appropriate team member if it is better to do so.

Please watch this video

Did I mention the video ;-)? Please watch the video on the page here before you come. Everything that you need to know is there and it's only a couple of  minutes long. 

Things are hard for now, but we can look forward to easier times not too far ahead when we can all relax again.

Remember, This Too Shall Pass :-)

Richard Hellen BDS

5th January 2021

Tier 4 and your Dental Care

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