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News and updates from York Place Dental, Carlisle

Lockdown and Dental Health


I hope that you are all well and I look forward to seeing you soon.

We are open for the duration of lockdown - but you need to read this because things are different…

You'll of course be aware of the government's announcement of a further lockdown as of this coming Thursday, and I can assure you that this time we, along with many dental practices will remain open throughout the lockdown irrespective of how long it lasts. It is both safe and important to attend for all dental care whether urgent or not and we are here for you.

Thank you

Each and every one of you that I have spoken to has been incredibly supportive and a delight to catch up with. Thank you all of you for remaining patient whilst we were locked down in the summer and in the months since we reopened - we promise that we will do everything that we can to return the compliment.

Please stay in touch

Dental Practices have always had strict infection control procedures and since we reopened on June 8th we have worked under even tighter restrictions, which inevitably mean that we have to reorganise our days so that we can spread our services as far as we can whilst remaining safe. Appointments are valuable and we are still trying to catch up - so please give us at least two working days' notice if you mean to rearrange any appointment - this gives us a chance of offering the appointment to another patient from the waiting list and avoids a late cancellation fee.

The best way of contacting us is by email on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . You're always welcome to ring us on 01228 533431 but we might not be able to answer straightaway. We will always email or ring you back as quickly as we can. David and I are happy to arrange callbacks if it is better to do so.

Take care

It's a really hard time for everyone at the moment and we see more stress and anxiety than ever before. If there is any way that we can help you with a dental problem, drop us an email or give us a ring. It's been a long haul but please continue to observe best advice about reducing the risk of virus spread so that we can all get back to normal as quickly as we can.

Please watch our updated video

Finally, please take a few minutes to watch our team's rather excellent new appointment video https://www.yorkplacedental.com/about/new-patient-journey  to avoid confusion when you next attend - things might have changed since you last came to see us and it makes for an easier, safer, visit.

Stay safe and see you soon.

With best wishes

Richard Hellen BDS

Tier 4 and your Dental Care
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